to your new website or affiliate link.
In no time you are sure to find a traffic exchange.If you search traffic
exchange on Google there are about 137,000 results.I'd say that's a
big business.
The premise being,a webmaster joins a traffic exchange site.He then submits
the url of the website or affiliate link he wishes to get traffic to.To get
traffic to it he must earn credits by viewing other members sites.One credit
gets the webmaster one view of their link.
Now each exchange is different in their own way.They all differ in how many
credits you earn for viewing each site.Usually .33 to 1 full credit.
The time viewing each site usually is between 3 seconds to 60 seconds.
Most of them will give you credits just for joining and to give you a headstart.
Nearly all exchanges are free to join.They all offer paid upgrades to members for
either more credits per view or less time to to view each link,or both.You can almost
always just purchase credits if you don't want to spend the time it takes to build
up a significant amount of credits.
They almost all encourage their members to refer others to join in exchange
for credits or commissions,building a downline.
The idea is you are increasing your site visits by showing it to like minded people
in hopes they may be interested in your program or opportunity.
Now this might raise your site visits but it also increase your bounce rate.A
bounce rate is determined by how long a visitor stayed on your site.
If you have a high bounce rate it's considered that people are not interested in
your content.
The key with traffic exchanges is that each viewer will only see your link for
a short amount of time,so you want to get their attention quickly.For this
reason capture pages and splash pages work best.Having an opt in form
for them to enter their name and e-mail is certainly a must.That way they
can quickly enter their info.and look at your program at a later time and keep
surfing as they call it.
Another quick note.Google doesn't allow using adsense on traffic exchanges so if you have adsense ads you need to create different links to use.
Thanks for reading and good luck in your quest at getting traffic and cash in your pocket.Please take a look at my high converting capture page linking to my free marketing system earning me multiple $55 payments a day to my Pay Pal account.
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